Archive for July, 2005

hannibal’s on the jazz

Sunday, July 31st, 2005

Got home from the crawfish low country boil tonight, and while getting my computer’s typical loadout of specialty programs re-installed in the fresh XP install, this just sort of happened.

I really like it. It’s a little on the fast paced side, a little on the industrial side, but it’s heads and shoulders above my usual in terms of composition and notes actually falling in some kind of meter, instead of when my fat clumsy fingers manage to hit the keys.

This is definitely in the top five. Finn, if you’re still reading, I think you’ll enjoy it.

[and that means we all dead meat]

down through my hands

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

I did most of this while on the phone about a week ago. It’s what I like to call one of those “compilation of sounds that eventually became mildly pretty” songs.

There’s still some pretty bad clipping, because it’s almost 8am, and there’s my OCD perfectionism vs my dry, pulsating eyes, and the more the pulsating eyes fight the more the perfectionism seems a distant, unrealistic dream. So, no producy medal on this one. Waaah.

Oh yeah, and happy fourth of July.

[the canvas, such as it is]

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