Archive for May, 2004

dead baby sleep

Thursday, May 20th, 2004

I have discovered how to do gates in Reason. And I went kind of nuts with it. You can use the drum machine as a 10-gate patch panel. I don’t know if the program’s designers are insane, or just the people who figure out weird ass workarounds. Either way, it’s pretty sweet. What I have been trying to accomplish in vain with vocoders shall now come to fruition.

This one’s short, but I like it, though it kept me up til 7am. Man, I miss the high-tempo stuff. And now I can do sweet basslines. Walter Flakus beware.

Wow. I should really go to sleep.

[unintentionally morbid mixed metaphor]

cool on the inside

Friday, May 7th, 2004

The title’s a mixture of a pun and a Wyclef Jean reference. This song is just a technical demo that grew into a song. I know I say that all the time, but in this one it’s really noticible because beyond the 2 semi-neat effects, it’s really, really boring. This isn’t one of my better bits, but its got some complicated-ass vocoder effects, and the neat-o screechy/searing sound on the “cello” towards the end. This is a basic test – testing the sturdyness of a club by whacking it on something. Nothing more. There’s where the pun comes in.

I’m trying to complete the tons of half-completed bits I have lying around my hard drive on trb, and so you can expect a rash of not so great but at least released tracks in the semi-near future. This song has been around since like November, and I’ve finally given up on livening it up and have just put the thing out so I can move on.

[15 separate automated mixer controls you can’t hear]

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