clear lids and peep hatred
the rage box - the hopeless romantic
But first, about the last song. I was teaching myself some tricks with the Malström in Reason, and it was the result. I realized after the fact that I unconsciously patterned it heavily after “a walk in the cold,” though there are some definite differences. This is most notable to me as the creator, because one was inspired by a sense of impending doom, and the other a sense of blossoming hope. “Reach out and touch someone” is essentially me learning the ins and outs of a device, making one riff, then tweaking it so it sounds all computery (normal part starts about 1:00 in, turns computery around 1:33,) and then building a song around it. I guess I am fairly predictable, and there’s a downside to playing by ear, as the unintentional similarities attest to.
Now, the new song, which I’m much more excited about.
I think this is my second favorite thing I’ve ever done. The number one thing is as-yet unreleased. Maybe someday it’ll get finished.
This one is for every sunrise I watched from the roof of a parking deck. I think that may be the best way to enjoy it.
I owe a great debt of gratitude on this one to Leslie, who instructed me to watch a movie tonight called Serendipity. It’s a fantastic movie, if on the contrived side, and seems tailor made for sentimental lame-os like me.
Plus, dude, Jeremy Piven.
I will probably release a better-mixed version of this song some time in the future, as I am still mulling over whether to re-master all the songs I am putting on the 2 CDs. While I’m fine with the quality on these MP3s I’m shoveling to you people, when I finally put something on a CD, I want to spit-shine every digital bit. There are a couple parts in this that I think will flare into audio clipping on the average setup, and that sucks.
[and christmas ham too]